For a better world, please say no to racism, discrimination, nukes, war, animal slaughter, pollution, sweatshops and all forms of oppression.

Inspired by deep ecology and compassionate practices, we continuously seek to place further care, playfulness and joy in the production, consumption and overall living process at the heart of Poetic Pastel. Some of the elements we have already implemented;
- Since 2023 all the Poetic Pastel Press publications are printed in Bristol, England, by Taylor Brothers, ‘one of just a handful of certified Carbon Balanced Printers in the UK’. We use vegetable-based oils and not petroleum-based inks. This ‘use of renewable resources and a less energy-intensive manufacturing process produces minimal negative environmental impact’.
- Poetic Pastel Press does not shrink-wrap its publications in plastic. In general, Poetic Pastel Press refrains from single-use items.
- Poetic Pastel Press always used FSC certified paper for its publishing projects.
- Renewal energy and organic plant-based meals are part of the studio’s life. Part of the food we consume is grown on our allotment plots following veganic permaculture principles.
- Johanna Tagada Hoffbeck was certified as a Carbon Litterate in January 2024.
- All working on the Poetic Pastel projects are paid The Real Living Wave.
- The Gardening Drawing Club does not purchase any plastic containers for its workshops, rather the projects collect and re-use existing ones.
- Soil Health: The Gardening Drawing Club promotes Veganic methods, which propose a positive alternative to chemical-based practices and animal exploitation while supporting and improving soil fertility. CO2 emissions from Veganic gardening practices are generally much lower than their counterpart.
1. Choledyl : pale clouded yellow. Source: Wellcome Collection.
2. A holy man with two tigers. Watercolour drawing, 186- (?). Source: Wellcome Collection.
3. Fentazin : marbled white. Source: Wellcome Collection.
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